Recovery and Restoration

Recovery and Restoration For decades, I’ve arisen in the middle of the night for what I describe as my mid-watch prayers. An undistracted, focused time of seeking God in prayer, reviewing scriptures and in reflecting and planning for what lies ahead. During the mid-90s there came an adjustment to this practice. Two key things triggered […]


GLIMMERS From the Preface of “THE HEART OF A KING” Note from Morris: These are serious times. Understanding the change of these seasons, to know what to do has entered a realm requiring constant vigilance, with very little operating with the same premises as they did even a year ago. In serious times, priorities shift. As […]

Joseph-Daniel Blog Summary of “Unequally Yoked”

Note: If you have signed up the Joseph-Daniel blog, you have already received this full “Unequally Yoked” article. Sorry, for the duplicated message. As a SIGN member, in order to read this entire Joseph-Daniel blog …. if you are not signed up …. then click on the “blog” link below and sign up for one […]

[SIGN] History and Spiritual Legacy

Summary: One of the hallmarks of Jewish culture has been the preservation of their history. The Jewish people have had one of the first written histories when oral histories were the only mode of remembering. History matters. It connects a people to their legacy and destiny. It has been the Jewish people’s firm grasp of […]

Spiritual Legacy and Atmosphere … Summary

Spiritual Legacy and Atmosphere Summary: The currency of humility is honor. Honor is a spiritual reciprocal. Honor cannot be embraced without it first being bestowed. Without humility, honor digresses into pride. Solomon wisely observed that with compromise, honor could be lost. Honor is a dimension within individuals that comes from that reflection of their walk […]

Uncharted Territory and the Season

Uncharted Territory and the Season We’re emerging into uncharted territory. It’s a season in which obedience to the Spirit’s promptings is critical, marked with anticipatory responses to what lies before us. Anticipatory responses in a season without precedent. With a need to uniquely understand the times along with our evolving, unique assignments. A season in […]

Linked Generations

Linked Generations In understanding the times, generational batons are in the process of being passed within the global church today. The dynamics of those elements of the Body demonstrating the reality of God is unlike any previous era. The generation that launched the church of today began with an outpouring of the Spirit of the […]

Pioneers, Entrepreneurs and Tz’dakim

PIONEERS, ENTREPRENEURS AND TZ’DAKIM As a Jew, Jesus understood the mantle of God’s people. From boyhood, His spiritual awareness and mastery of Scripture touched the depths of the heart of God and role of the game-changers in the course of Jewish history. In our discussion of Jewish business secrets, God’s people have been distinctive. As […]

Where Secrets Collide

WHERE SECRETS COLLIDE Moses indicated that it is the secret things that belong to the Lord, but those that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever. What Moses was referring to taps the foundations, the gateways that bridge the seen world with the unseen world. In our discussion of Jewish business secrets […]

Opportunity in Change

OPPORTUNITY IN CHANGE Crisis is a time when change overwhelms and is out of control. When the pace of change is accelerating, it cannot be ignored. It is time to prepare. We’ve been taking a closer look at Jewish business secrets. We’ve learned that among the secrets tied to disproportionate Jewish achievement is a systematically […]