About Global Initiatives Foundation

While affording opportunity for some, the impact of globalization is the source of challenge and reversals for countless peoples across the earth. Yet, in the midst of the uncertainty and change is a+HTAudience3778 spiritual and entrepreneurial dynamic largely resistant to the fluctuations of the world’s economic system — a dynamic that drives the bottom-up economy. It is the dynamic that releases stability into the top-down economy. This dynamic is the focus and uniqueness of our thrust.

Our goal is to encourage, harness and release those called as believing entrepreneurs to bear a positive impact on their local communities. The spiritual principles of economics releases their potential to operate with the acumen needed to be a blessing to their families and communities, while building up and strengthening the community dynamic.

For the bottom-up focus of our program, we train potential and first stage entrepreneurs with the skills to operate very basic businesses. These micro- and small-businesses, commonly referred to as SMEs (Small Micro-Enterprises) serve to start feeding a family. This is the original basis of free-enterprise, which operates in conjunction with community. Free enterprise in its purist sense is not a Western phenomenon, but rather has its roots in the Jewish Torah and what we impart as Jewish business secrets.

As such, our program’s uniqueness is tied to the faith-based foundations of community and entrepreneurship unveiled; the spiritual equipping we impart to prospective community builders; and the training we provide for those who will lead the support group of entrepreneurs that will meet and grow together.

JWrksp1792bThese bottom-up and top-down strategies are both progressive and exclusive. They work to support the efforts of each other. Our top-down program provides the training of seasoned business leaders, who we refer to as opportunity enablers, who will mentor and work with new business owners to overcome the hurdles tied to building a new business. When the new businesses grow and stabilize sufficiently, the owners advance to serving as community builders, as the ripples of the program extend to help others.

Our top-top strategies also include leadership training for those gifted administrators, referred to by many as modern-day Josephs and Daniels, whose efforts are at the forefront of faith-based initiatives being employed by strategic-visionary entrepreneurs, innovative executives, as well as governmental pacesetters. The video that follows is the first in a YouTube series on the Joseph Calling.

The Global Initiatives team reflects world class expertise with backgrounds in business, government, legal, psychotherapy, entrepreneurship, manufacturing, banking, economics, financial planning, energy, high-tech, service industries and more.