Spiritual Legacy and Atmosphere
Summary: The currency of humility is honor. Honor is a spiritual reciprocal. Honor cannot be embraced without it first being bestowed. Without humility, honor digresses into pride. Solomon wisely observed that with compromise, honor could be lost. Honor is a dimension within individuals that comes from that reflection of their walk with God, manifesting the aura of righteousness and love … that the world can trust. In a time wrought with superficialities, the world is looking for a people who are real. Honor comes from a people, trustworthy of truth and integrity. This requires maturity on a corporate level. It is the maturity that Paul noted to the Ephesians that the world seeks to see manifesting within the Body of believers …. yet for the most part, hasn’t seen yet. It is the antithesis of the self-absorbed behavior Paul wrote Timothy to be wary of. It is the maturity evidenced by the early believers … a maturity they were willing to die for it. It begins by understanding the legacy. Esau despised his legacy, while Jacob honored it. The legacy goes to those honoring it. The legacy, anointing and gifts work together to impact the spiritual atmosphere. Joseph and Daniel were models of operating within this realm, the realm of this narrow corridor between life and death, between the natural and the spiritual …. as game-changers. They model those called as Kingdom game-changers in this toxic, fast emerging new season. Be sure to pray the prayer at the end of this post.
Note: This week is my friend Jasper’s Virtual Kingdom Trade Fair. This Thursday, 24 September. Get involved. Details for those who might profit from attending or being an exhibitor in this event be found at www.virtualtradefair.global. By the way, this is a global event. Jasper resides in South Africa. Exhibit your business, meet with potential customers, check out the wisdom for the season with the speakers during this ten-hour event. Also, if you haven’t already done so, sign up for one or both of our membership blogs. SIGN is now segmented into three distinct audiences. Two will be monthly membership blogs targeting: 1. The Joseph-Daniel Calling 2. Jewish Business Secrets. The Joseph-Daniel Calling blog targets ones already in business ownership or positions of community influence. Jewish Business Secrets is for those interested in the foundations tied to why the Jewish people, against all odds have become known as the people of business and why their influence, historically, has changed the course of world events. Specific details and the sign-up for membership for the new blogs can be found at: https://strategic-initiatives.org/membership-blogs/ To read the entire “Spiritual Legacy and Atmosphere” post, please sign up for the Joseph-Daniel Calling blog at this link: https://strategic-initiatives.org/membership-blogs/