Misguided Tongues Revisited

MISGUIDED TONGUES REVISITED Dedicated to the Memory of Trisha Ruddick Stemple (June 14, 1966-Oct 24, 1996) Memorial Day is a time set aside to reflect. For our family, October 24, 1996 is another time of memorial, a date we will never forget. It is the day our 30 year old daughter Trisha Stemple was brutally […]

Unequally Yoked

Unequally Yoked Jesus spent three years grooming a small band of His inner-circle. His goal: to impart the spiritual anointing and maturity for them to do the works that He did and then, even more. From that would come an explosive impact, an exponential multiplication from their efforts. Yet, it would not evolve without cost…....

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[SIGN] History and Spiritual Legacy

Summary: One of the hallmarks of Jewish culture has been the preservation of their history. The Jewish people have had one of the first written histories when oral histories were the only mode of remembering. History matters. It connects a people to their legacy and destiny. It has been the Jewish people’s firm grasp of […]

History and Spiritual Legacy

HISTORY AND SPIRITUAL LEGACY One of the hallmarks of Jewish culture has been the preservation of their history. The Jewish people have had one of the first written histories when oral histories were the only mode of remembering … not always being the most accurate means of preserving a culture’s traditions and development. It has…...

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Spiritual Legacy and Atmosphere … Summary

Spiritual Legacy and Atmosphere Summary: The currency of humility is honor. Honor is a spiritual reciprocal. Honor cannot be embraced without it first being bestowed. Without humility, honor digresses into pride. Solomon wisely observed that with compromise, honor could be lost. Honor is a dimension within individuals that comes from that reflection of their walk […]

Uncharted Territory and the Season

Uncharted Territory and the Season We’re emerging into uncharted territory. It’s a season in which obedience to the Spirit’s promptings is critical, marked with anticipatory responses to what lies before us. Anticipatory responses in a season without precedent. With a need to uniquely understand the times along with our evolving, unique assignments. A season in […]

The Listening Heart Revisited

The Listening Heart Revisited Note: SIGN is being segmented into three distinct audiences. The two new monthly membership blogs are: 1. The Joseph-Daniel Calling 2. Jewish Business Secrets. The Joseph-Daniel Calling blog targets ones already in business ownership or positions of influence. Jewish Business Secrets is for those interested in the foundations tied to why […]

Games People Play

Games People Play One of the fruits of a world trying to make it without God is the games played. The superficialities. The masks. The embellishments, the little “white lies” to outright fabrications and deceit that undermine and short-circuit the foundations to enduring relationships. Whether international diplomacy, politics, business, dating, marriage or simply the broad […]

The Sign of the Times

THE SIGN OF THE TIMES One of my strategies, in adjusting to this season, is to expand what I have been doing with [SIGN]. This expansion of the Strategic Intercession Global Network will be to offer two membership blogs. Each are topics that have been a part of the SIGN messages since 1996:  Jewish Business…...

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