Generational Passages of Leaders The psalmist very prophetically, seeing beyond the realm of time, observed: “This is the generation.” Several years ago, for the first time in my ministry relationship with a man I had worked with in the past, I sat down with him one-on-one in his offices. Yet, it was the relationship with […]
Preparing the Way
Preparing the Way Over the centuries those who have become followers of God have had a responsibility and a role in preparing; not just for their own callings and destinies; but in shaping the dynamics of the community around them. Then there have been those leaders whose mandates have tapped and triggered a much higher […]
Strange Bedfellows
Strange Bedfellows Note: I recently re-read a book I originally read over 60 years ago: Leon Uris’ “Exodus.” “Exodus” represents a glimpse into a time of significant change for God’s people. In praying about the dynamics of sacrificial faith that overcame the incredibly impossible odds described in this book, I’ve been drawn to re-post a […]
The Kingdom Life Model
The Kingdom Life Model The season manifesting spiritually is one calling for something more; yet one in which the “something more” has got to be far more than just “more of the same, harder.” In my role of serving the church in persecuted nations, I’ve witnessed the inclination of indigenous church leaders, in mimicking what […]
Balaam’s Madness
Balaam’s Madness Paul wrote the Romans that throughout history the fingerprints of God had been evident. Despite this being so, one translation concludes that “although they knew God, they did not honor Him or give thanks.” The result was those with a knowledge of God “becoming futile in their reasoning as their senseless hearts were […]
When God Arises
When God Arises In matters concerning the balance between the role of the household of faith and when God sovereignly arises in power, discerning the stage in the journey and the timing are critical. Historically, there are patterns that give us a glimpse into this unique balance. These patterns bear on understanding the dynamics of […]
Thinking Like God
Thinking Like God Several years ago, a man whose thinking I greatly admired, postulated an amazing premise: that the reason Jews were so exceptional as a people, was because they thought like God. Peter Wagner was no small thinker himself. In meeting him for the first time, at the recommendation of one of his board […]
The Shroud of Clutter Revisited
THE SHROUD OF CLUTTER REVISITED A firestorm, with its roots in the spiritual realm, is raging. No longer at the subtle stage, it is reaching a climax. The clamor impacts our thinking. The claims of the world challenge the ways of God, distorting reality. Sensory bombardments and clutter add fuel to the confusion, overload, deception […]
The Chaff, Wheat and Opportunity
The Chaff, Wheat and Opportunity Malachi 3 describes a time when God’s messenger will come to prepare the way before Him. The context is of serious judgment, preceded by a time of separation; the separation of the chaff from the wheat. Jesus made it very plain: “For judgment I have come into the world, that […]
The Covenant of Peace
The Covenant of Peace Biblically, one of the benefits of God’s favor and blessing on His people, shalom, is typically translated as peace. However, few words in Scripture have been subject to more by way of being high-jacked and distorted from their original meaning. While commonly expressing the tranquility resulting from the freedom from disturbance […]