Where Angels Fear — Revisited Note: For the third time in the last month while in prayer about my next SIGN message, specific previous posts have strongly come to mind: the other two being “The Listening Heart” and “Beyond the Threshold” which can be found at www.strategic-initiatives.org Combined and individually, their messages offer sound wisdom […]
Beyond the Threshold
BEYOND THE THRESHOLD REVISITED I originally penned this message in early 2005. In the process of listening, in simply sitting in His presence, the Lord brought it to mind to review. It deals with a Body-level of maturity vital for this hour. It addresses the elements of Kingdom paradoxes that are both gateways and critical […]
The Listening Heart Revisited
The Listening Heart Revisited Note: A precursor of this SIGN message was originally posted in 2017. However, this core post represents a vital message for the season now upon us. With the spiritual subtleties currently operating, it is a message that even the seasoned and mature need to more fully grasp and put into action. […]
When Evil Abounds
When Evil Abounds “According to their deeds, He will repay fury to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies. So shall they fear the Name of the Lord from the West and His glory from the rising of the sun; for He will come like a rushing stream driven by the Spirit of Adonai.” Is 59:18-19 […]
The Reach and Rhythm
The Reach and Rhythm Insightfully, the Psalmist captured a vital dimension of our response to the journey of life we face when he mixed his metaphors with the admonition to taste and see that the Lord is good. The conclusion of the counsel of this Psalm aptly fits the context and spiritual reality we need […]
Altering History’s Trajectory
Altering History’s Trajectory Years ago, during an early and very formative time in my walk with the Lord, one of the two pastors making the most impact in my spiritual trajectory made an unusual statement concerning His sermons. He noted that he regularly prayed that his message would always be a word from on-high; as […]
Without the Spin
Without the Spin In 2005 I penned a piece that became a chapter in my “Something More” book. Titled “The Fine Line,” I described this “fine line” as it being a dimension found only beyond the portals, having entered the narrow gate of the Kingdom. It taps Jesus’ central message of the Kingdom of God […]
Uncorked The American slang usage of “uncorked” relates to an unhindered, unfiltered expression of releasing one’s heart. Indeed uncorking can serve to unveil the deeper levels of one’s thinking and motivations, with it being unleashed in a state of spirited, unpredictability. In winemaking, it is the final step to release what has been a systematic […]
The Spiritual Maturity Thing
The Spiritual Maturity Thing It has been said that in today’s spiritual environment, if we don’t have the mindset of the believers written about in the Book of Acts, that our chances of survival are pretty slim. It suggests that the mindset required to grow spiritually with a faith that maturely grapples with the realities […]
Entrepreneurs and Cultural Change
Entrepreneurs and Cultural Change An entrepreneur is defined as one with the ability to spot opportunity and to know what to do about it, at a profit. The defining link is in correctly discerning and knowing what to do about opportunity, which from both a biblical and an historic Jewish stance is what stewardship is […]