Misguided Tongues Revisited

MISGUIDED TONGUES REVISITED Dedicated to the Memory of Trisha Ruddick Stemple (June 14, 1966-Oct 24, 1996) Memorial Day is a time set aside to reflect. For our family, October 24, 1996 is another time of memorial, a date we will never forget. It is the day our 30 year old daughter Trisha Stemple was brutally […]

The Listening Heart Revisited

The Listening Heart Revisited Note: SIGN is being segmented into three distinct audiences. The two new monthly membership blogs are: 1. The Joseph-Daniel Calling 2. Jewish Business Secrets. The Joseph-Daniel Calling blog targets ones already in business ownership or positions of influence. Jewish Business Secrets is for those interested in the foundations tied to why […]

Games People Play

Games People Play One of the fruits of a world trying to make it without God is the games played. The superficialities. The masks. The embellishments, the little “white lies” to outright fabrications and deceit that undermine and short-circuit the foundations to enduring relationships. Whether international diplomacy, politics, business, dating, marriage or simply the broad […]

The Reset and Repentance

THE RESET AND REPENTANCE In a time of rapidly-evolving change, a need has arisen to be more discerning: a time to be alert to embrace the factors of significance tied to the new season. For those called by His Name, one of those key factors is repentance. Not to be confused with obsessing over trivial […]

The Restoration Shift

The Restoration Shift From the time of the garden fall, the world has been undergoing a process of restoration. As the condition of man digressed, God chose a people, with whom He made a covenant, who would know Him and His ways, whose lives would advance the momentum of this process. What was originally established […]

Evil Reports

EVIL REPORTS Grasshoppers. That was how the Hebrew spies saw themselves when encountering the reality of overwhelming spiritual opposition. Yet, it was a reality that had to be overcome in the face of far greater opportunity. Their report, their response to this reality resulted in them not only missing the opportunity, but triggering judgment on […]


GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS I have long recognized a richness with those I have counted as friends. Rich friendships trigger the potential for the exponential between one another. That is how relationships were designed, by the Designer. While clearly a blessing of God, for me at least in part, this richness in relationships reflects a gift I have […]

Where Angels Fear

Where Angels Fear Recently in prayer, the phrase “where angels fear to tread” popped into my mind. I knew there had been a movie. Many years prior to that, a book. The thought seemed to suggest a glimpse into the amassing chaos and turbulence of the times. Jesus, who saw outside the realm of time, […]

Out of the Box

OUT OF THE BOX Life is a process. An unfolding. A journey of continual discovery. An adventure. A process of thought. From this process of thought, it becomes a process of action. That’s what God intended from the beginning. That is where the gift lies, the Gift of Life. It requires understanding the order, the […]

I Call You Friends

I CALL YOU FRIENDS There are some who cross our lives, sometimes for only a brief time, but they leave an indelible mark. It is what happens when our spirits touch. When that happens it engenders a depth of relationship beyond the soul. It is what accompanies the expectation that Jesus was extending when He […]