Reaching for Rest Reaching for rest, at first glance, seems to be an oxymoron. Of the most basic and first steps toward spiritual maturity is the admonition from James to be doers of the Word, avoiding the deceptions that come from passively having our ears tickled. Yet the depth required from the mix of abiding, while […]
Something More
Mysteries-Thinking Deep or Practical
Mysteries: Thinking Deep or Practical Since God has had a people, the stumbling block for the household of faith too often has been found at the gateway of the profound: the deep things of the Spirit. God reveals the depths to give His own an advantage, which in turn make us distinctive. Yet, the subtlety […]
Those I Call Friends
Those I Call Friends There are some who cross our lives, sometimes for only a brief time, who leave an indelible mark. It is what happens when our spirits touch. It engenders a depth of relationship beyond the soul. It is what accompanies the expectation that Jesus was extending when He told the disciples that […]
The Listening Heart Revisited
The Listening Heart Revisited Note: A precursor of this SIGN message was originally posted in 2017. However, this core post represents a vital message for the season now upon us. With the spiritual subtleties currently operating, it is a message that even the seasoned and mature need to more fully grasp and put into action. […]
Without the Spin
Without the Spin In 2005 I penned a piece that became a chapter in my “Something More” book. Titled “The Fine Line,” I described this “fine line” as it being a dimension found only beyond the portals, having entered the narrow gate of the Kingdom. It taps Jesus’ central message of the Kingdom of God […]
Uncorked The American slang usage of “uncorked” relates to an unhindered, unfiltered expression of releasing one’s heart. Indeed uncorking can serve to unveil the deeper levels of one’s thinking and motivations, with it being unleashed in a state of spirited, unpredictability. In winemaking, it is the final step to release what has been a systematic […]
Entrepreneurs and Cultural Change
Entrepreneurs and Cultural Change An entrepreneur is defined as one with the ability to spot opportunity and to know what to do about it, at a profit. The defining link is in correctly discerning and knowing what to do about opportunity, which from both a biblical and an historic Jewish stance is what stewardship is […]
New Wineskins
New Wineskins The Word of God points to the combination of spiritual maturity with community unity as foundations for God’s people progressively achieving world-shaking results. Yet, one of the largest, most subtle blind spots hindering current-day Christian maturity is the premise that Jesus spent three plus years with His inner-circle imparting information. The misconception being […]
Spiritual Entanglement Strategies
Spiritual Entanglement Strategies Please note that this is Part II of a message on Spiritual Entanglements. Be sure to pray the prayer that concludes this message. Laced with hidden, layered deceptions and deceit, spiritual entanglements demand spiritual strategies. More of the same harder is no longer enough. There was a time when determination, genuine talent, […]
Spiritual Entanglements
Spiritual Entanglements One of the enemy’s most crafty and deadly strategies is that of entanglements. Spiritual entanglements are subtle, deceptive, marked by infiltration and pretense, while calculated to release destruction. Be sure to pray the prayer that concludes this message. Entanglements are designed to confuse, distract and divert those they impact. They keep the targets […]