The Thunder of His Power The thunder of His power, who can understand? That is what Job (Job 26:14) eventually came to face in His dramatic encounter with God. Indeed, realizing also that this “thunder of His power” is only the fringe of His ways. Job’s sudden awareness of the magnitude and magnificence of God […]
Something More
The Banner in Darkness
The Banner in Darkness For years I’ve admonished the household of faith to reach for a dimension in the Lord that I’ve described as “something more.” To get beyond the traditions, yes even the comfort zones and routines of standard operating procedures of the faith-walks of God’s committed. Doing so involves reaching for that reality […]
Partnering with God
Partnering with God As the dichotomy between good and evil on the world stage has intensified, the issue of partnership has seen greater deployment. Ranging from military alliances, economic agreements and ventures in technology-development, the wisdom extends from “I’ve got your back if you have mine,” to shared initiatives. Yet, nothing is new under the […]
Spiritual Oasis
SPIRITUAL OASES Originally published as a SIGN post in January 2012 and then as a chapter in “Leadership by Anointing,” by Morris Ruddick, Xulon Press, 2014 __________ “O house of Jacob, come and walk in the light of the Lord. Because they are filled with occult ways and influences of the east, the Lord […]
Opportunity in Crisis
OPPORTUNITY IN CRISIS Note: Early in 2008 I was in prayer with a close friend. He stopped to describe an image he had had of a sea of God’s people who had become discontent. There was a timing factor to their discontent. He then said he saw me arise with the answer they were seeking. […]
The King of Glory
The King of Glory We’ve entered a time unlike any in recent history, when amidst the escalating turmoil, conflict, not to overlook the hatred of God’s people, discerning the times has become hyper-critical. Within the growing cacophony of voices, wisely discerning the times requires a dispassionate humility, a childlike faith that surpasses the ordinary …. […]
The Times — Prophetic Glimmers
THE TIMES – PROPHETIC GLIMMERS At the heart of the SIGN ministry is the quest to understand the times to know what to do. Never in my generation has there been a time when this mandate has been more critical. I love God’s word. Since the mid-90s, over the course of each year, I have […]
A Life Well Lived
A Life Well Lived Carol Suzanne Ruddick (June 21, 1942 – October 26, 2023) When most committed believers pause long enough to grasp the realities and priorities of their journey, there exists a heart-cry: that theirs might be a life well lived. As the one who lived closest to her for over 52 years, as […]
Beyond the Shadows
Beyond the Shadows John’s Gospel is different. So was John. Once he stumbled into the rhythm, the beat seemed to be almost to a different drummer. No question that what Jesus was inundating John and his friends with was above their pay grade. Yet as John kept reaching, he closed the gap and began walking […]
The Passage, for Even the Elect
The Passage, for Even the Elect It was swift and unexpected, when the bottom dropped out for Job, simultaneously losing his health, his wealth and his sons and daughters. There initially seemed to be little insight into what had just happened. Other than the growing whispers that the fault was likely something hidden in Job. […]