by Morris E Ruddick
Format: Paperback or e-version
Pages: 179
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Book Summary
Days of revival are manifesting again. However, it carries new dimensions. It is manifesting strongly in the marketplace and in some of the most unlikely places. It dovetails with the rebirth of Israel and ancient mysteries tied to the restoration of God’s order and covenant promises made long ago. It is a mantle of fire, one empowering leaders whose callings are patterned after the Patriarch Joseph, a company of forerunners prepared with great authority to bring change. It is an out-of-the box mantle that faces the turbulence of the times with alliances that strategically employ secular enterprises serving Kingdom agendas. As the Body once again embraces its position of power with the mantle of fire, its light and power will shatter the darkness and become the critical mass toward releasing the power that actuates the fulfillment of the resurrection in making all things new for the age being birthed.
by Morris E Ruddick
Format: Paperback or e-version
Pages: 205
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Book Summary
The world’s system is being shaken. Tenets of leadership considered benchmarks are undergoing reevaluation. One of the biggest challenges for Christian leaders, especially within the marketplace, is the balance between functioning in their own ability and yielding to God’s headship as leaders. For many, the acceptable inclination is blending their “natural abilities” and what has been gleaned from the world’s system, with an icing of polite ethics and a “praise the Lord.” Yet, the heroes of faith reversed the equation. Having heard from God, they harnessed their natural abilities to conform to and support an ongoing flow of direction and wisdom from the Lord. Everything else sprang from that. It is a higher standard. During turbulent times, it is back to basics. What endures is drawn from God’s truth. Leadership by Anointing uncovers the principles, pathways and models of biblical leadership in practice with God’s covenant people over the centuries.
By Morris E Ruddick
Format: Paperback or e-version
Pages: 188
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Book Summary
Righteous power goes against the grain. It doesn’t operate like worldly power. It’s the way of the Kingdom. Jesus described the application of righteous power as being a narrow, difficult path. Employing righteous power is a leadership calling. It builds and wields influence and is a catalyst for opportunity that brings blessing. It demonstrates the reality of God to those in darkness. It is a calling requiring getting the model, the mandate and the mantle right. It is a calling releasing societal change. This book outlines the elements of the God’s economy entrepreneurial program being applied in lands of persecution and oppression with results far exceeding expectations. It’s a proactive interaction with the Lord that can serve as a means to bring change by mentoring the destinies of leaders; launching and operating a purposeful business; or penetrating the veil through the stewardship of a ministry seeking the narrow path.
SOMETHING MOREBy Morris E Ruddick Format: Paperback or e-version |
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Book Summary
For those chosen, the Joseph-Daniel calling requires “something more.” The “something more” marks true Kingdom leadership with a maturity that endures. It demands a cost far beyond spoon feeding, or the good intentions, ambitions, or any other notion of man. While the more easily digestible milk mode referred to in Hebrews comes primarily from absorbing information, the meat or proactive mode to maturity takes time, dedication and a first-priority commitment. It is the dividing asunder between the many who are called and the few who are chosen. This book outlines a pathway to steward your calling. It is not designed for those focused on their comforts, the lusts of the flesh or the love of the world. If taken seriously and acted on; it will release the meat of maturity leading to “something more” than might ever come from the best of human efforts.
THE HEART OF A KINGBy Morris E Ruddick Format: Paperback or e-version |
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Book Summary
These are times that cry out for true leadership in the Body, the type that unites and mobilizes. It is a leadership of sacrifice, whose practitioners refuse to acquiesce to the safe places that fall short; or be seduced by the rule of power or the rule of profit that lures those called by His Name into the intrigues and games played by the world. They are a remnant whose calling is directly from God; not presumption, ambition or any other quest emerging from the heart of man. These are the ones with the leadership mantle of Joseph and Daniel, who are facing the realities, paying the cost and faithfully stewarding their callings of bringing forth God’s Kingdom. These are the ones who will themselves receive the keys to release the Kingdom in their domains. These are the ones with the heart of a king.
God’s Economy, Israel and the NationsBy Morris E Ruddick Format: Paperback or e-version |
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Book Summary
Genesis 26 describes the dynamic of God’s economy. It says: “there was famine in the land and the Lord appeared to Isaac and said, ‘Dwell in this land and I will be with you and will bless you and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father.’” God’s economy operates against all odds, which is not an option for those living in lands of persecution and distress and it is emerging as a chief strategy for operating a business or ministry in this post-9/11 environment.
God’s economy is based on God’s Kingdom rule and embraces not only the realities of God’s spiritual riches, but the community (social) and economic riches outlined throughout the Word of God. It is the reemergence of the ancient biblical principles of entrepreneurship, business and Kingdom wealth.
The Joseph-Daniel CallingBy Morris E Ruddick Format: Paperback or e-version |
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Book Summary
In the face of political instabilities, economic reversals, fear, and uncertainty, Kingdom opportunities not obvious to the world are quietly on the rise. These Kingdom agendas reflect an interlinking of secular enterprises with overriding ministry objectives.
What is emerging is a move of God in the marketplace that will parallel the rise of the parachurch ministry movement of the early fifties. At the forefront of this movement is a group of men and women of God called in the same way as Joseph and Daniel of the Bible. Modern-day Josephs and Daniels will serve strategically as instruments of God’s purpose in secular positions of influence within seats of power of this world. This book addresses the dynamics of this calling, God’s economy, and the preparation, character, and challenges of these uniquely called Josephs and Daniels. Among other agendas, they will be facilitators of the release of the wealth of the wicked into Kingdom initiatives.
Author Profile
MORRIS E. RUDDICK is a business executive, consultant, entrepreneur, intercessor, conference speaker, board member, and writer. He is at the forefront of mobilizing a unique group of anointed marketplace leaders, referred to as modern-day Josephs and Daniels. As head of a market planning consulting firm serving an array of clients from Fortune 500 firms to respected ministries, his expertise includes business planning, forecasting emerging markets, developing business strategies, funding initiatives, modeling entrepreneurial bypass strategies, and applying principles of biblically based businesses. He was chief architect in two successful corporate turnarounds. His ministry activities target strengthening the brethren in locales ranging from Afghanistan to Israel. But the foundation of both his business and ministry activities is his role in leading a global intercession ministry known as SIGN (Strategic Intercession Global Network), which has as its purpose targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis.
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