Illusions and Reality

Illusions and Reality From almost the beginning, the connection between God and man, between the spiritual and the natural, has been marred with counterfeit illusions. With Moses came a standard, a plumb line for the community of God’s people to maintain the connection with spiritual reality. Yet, seductive religious illusions continued to infiltrate, challenge and […]

The Plumb Line

The Plumb Line The psalmist describes a time when the assaults against God’s people had escalated to a level that provoked him to cry out in challenge to the silence of God. What is portrayed is a time of quandary, marked with uncertainty and spiritual clutter. It is a time calling, not for pontification, but […]

The Simple Things

THE SIMPLE THINGS In God’s economy of things, more often than not, it will be the simple things that trigger the spiritual, that dimension of God that cannot be stopped. There came a time in Jesus’ earthly ministry when He prayed: “I thank You Father, that You have hidden these things from the wise and […]

Contrasts in Thinking

Contrasts in Thinking Sometimes the greatest enemy of God’s best can be our acquiescence and acceptance of the good. Paul wrote ones under his charge of a progression in the thinking tied to God’s will, or His best for them. There is the good, the acceptable and the perfect. In the process of maturing spiritually, […]

The Kingdom Realm

The Kingdom Realm There is a great battle over the foundations of the faith. The Jewish roots to the faith and the Kingdom message are fundamental to the authority needed to employ the power of God. The dynamic distinguishing the early church, then primarily a Jewish sect, was the demonstration of the supernatural power of […]

Dispelling the Toxic

Dispelling the Toxic This is an era plagued with the toxic. Discerning truth has too often strayed into battlegrounds of rants and hostile opinions. Extremes of ideologies and passionately-driven viewpoints no longer separate generations, but mark boundaries within even the ranks of believers. The dividing asunder between good and evil is no longer based on […]

Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows “Strange bedfellows” is a term defined as unlikely companions or allies. Popular usage is said to have begun in the 1400s. Then in 1610 in his play “The Tempest,” Shakespeare raised the bar with the words: “Alas, the storm is come again! My best way is to creep under his gabardine [cloak/blanket]; there […]

The Listening Heart

The Listening Heart A listening heart is bedrock to a solid walk of faith. Likewise, sound leadership, the type that makes a difference for good, will have the same attribute at its foundation. A discerning listening heart is also the gateway into the true depths in one’s journey with the Lord. Yet, today’s world is […]

The Princely Leadership Mantle

THE PRINCELY LEADERSHIP MANTLE True leadership is not about being in charge or wielding power. Historically, the heroes of faith operated with a much higher leadership standard. True leadership pivots on serving. It is a regal mantle found in righteous hearts with the priorities flowing from God’s heart. The princely leadership mantle is recognized and […]

Discerning the Subtle

Discerning the Subtle In understanding the times, the bar has been raised in discerning the subtle means the enemy has been employing to undermine and derail spiritual leaders and agendas. In October of 1996, following the funeral of our 30 year daughter, who had been murdered, I asked the Lord to help me understand. I […]