It’s Not How You Think

It’s Not How You Think

And you’re right. That very clearly was as a double-entendre. “It’s not how you think:” first being your expectation of the outcome. Yet “it’s not how you think” also represents the limits of the thinking and reason for the condition that blinds or impedes the focus or clarity for the expectation.

We’re living in a time when most are experiencing more than their share of unexpecteds in the pace of unfolding events. Far too many people of faith find themselves struggling, simply being overwhelmed in processing it, fitting it all into their expectations of how it is supposed to be playing out.

In Matthew 16 Jesus scolded the religious leaders because of their inability to correctly read the signs of the times. Despite that, over the centuries a long, long list of name-scholars, theologians and leaders of revivals (i.e. John Wesley in his 1836 prediction) have also missed this reading of the signs, reaching erroneous end-time conclusions ranging from Jesus’ imminent return to the birth of the millennium.

It’s not that these predictions were not based on valid expectations. Even Jesus’ disciples who Jesus reveals were given a unique ability to understand Kingdom mysteries, were slow …. and again and again fell short in their grasp of these signs during His earthly ministry, largely stumbling over not seeing the forest for the trees.

Jesus outlined a swath of end-time signs in Matthew 24, but somehow their interpretation has long been missing something …. triggered by how we process the reality of these signs.

So, it has been with the fear of the Lord and great humility that SIGN has presumed in reaching to tap the truths tied to understanding the times. Even more so, has been the prayerful pondering of the amassing of discord and disorder in today’s world …. and THEN my response to recently hearing in my spirit: “It’s not how you think.”

As one who has walked with the Lord for over 50 years of his adult life, my first expectations spiritually were shaped with the precepts reflected in the wildly popular “Late Great Planet Earth” in the early 70s. Similarly, within a totally different generation my kids were deeply impacted by books and movies from the “Left Behind” series.

Combined, each presents a portrayal of a time so terrible, that the only answer is retreat and for bare survival …. hopefully awaiting rescue scenarios.  Yet, not throwing out the baby with the bathwater, the longer I walk with the Lord, the more that premise seems to be “not how we should think.”

Following Moses leading the Israelites out of the bondages of the world they had been a part of at that time, that being Egypt, God imparted to Moses a societal framework, the Torah. This framework was an alternative to their way of living in Egypt. The Torah detailed the principles of how a God-centric society should operate. Its design was specifically outside the world’s system with God at the center.

With that thought in mind, could it be that the misfires on Jesus’ return or the start of the Millennium for that matter, has been due the missing link and wait-from-on-High being something we have failed to set in motion? That missing link being something akin to the alternate society, the principles of which are outlined in the Torah? Something more than a superficial gleaning of these principles …. established to function fully …. rather than blended into the world’s system?

Precursors of the Societal Framework
The rebirth of Israel held the potential of replicating this original model, but with all its vital foundational attributes has digressed from being that alternative society into becoming merged into the world’s system, becoming only a shadow of the original design. The birth of America was also something of a modicum of such an experiment. Yet, it has wavered in the rooting of its foundations and over time eventually gone into decline as it has lost its focus and yielded to the ways of the world.

Yet, there is a pause, one of great expectation concerning the mix represented in Israel and America, and more so between the Church and the Jewish people. A pause to consider the potential of the original design. And with that pause, there have been other less dramatic and more recent experiments that seem to have captured a part of this equation.

In Kenya, MCF (Mully’s Children’s Family) is a self-sustaining God-centered economic community/ society that rescues street kids and ones trapped in human trafficking. Birthed seemingly against all odds, those adopted into this extended family are trained and educated …. going on to graduate from higher education to become productive citizens and community influencers. MCF is supported by a mix of the income and food harvested from crops on their own property, water from pure well water not typical for that part of the world together with alliances with associates and donors from all corners of the world.

The fruit of this unusual example of God’s economic and social principles to operate a self-sustaining society has been the thousands of kids rescued from the streets and then given opportunity to become game-changers of the spiritual atmosphere and givers of Life in a part of the world where death and despair have held sway over entire regions of communities.

Another example began in a Bible study in a Black neighborhood in the most impoverished suburb in Dallas. One of its members, Daron Babcock, a recovering addict and former middle-class White guy, relates that most members of that group had been incarcerated and like him, were trying to figure out what they could do with their lives in this area with few economic opportunities. Everyone was at a crossroads. Everyone was asking God which way to go. He shares that these weekly meetings became the highlight of his week … and God seemed to be nudging him with the question of “if it means so much, why is it only one day a week?” He couldn’t shake the feeling that his future was there.

So, he sold his home, and finding nothing to buy in this poor neighborhood, stumbled onto an opportunity to house-sit with the Bible study shifting its location and their prayers starting to address more practical matters. One of the realities faced was the poor health of its members, which it didn’t take long to discern was tied to their poor eating habits. The answer seemed to be directed to gardening … a small but significant step outside the system, which flourished and grew.

The abbreviated developments to this story is that over time that Babcock now oversees a nonprofit enterprise called Bonton Farms growing organic produce, operating a farmer’s market and café with a $4 million budget, more than 60 employees, 10,000 volunteers each year and a mission to heal the inequities of this underprivileged neighborhood through feeding the poor and restoring souls and hope.

Alternatives to the World’s System
Indeed, finding alternatives to the world’s system and reaching for missing pieces to the model outlined by Moses involves Kingdom mysteries spoken of by Jesus and outside-the-box thinking that enables those with eyes to see sufficiently to recognize the forest beyond the trees. It involves the simple things: God’s economic principles and the opportunity to operate God-centered societies..

There is no question that we have entered a time, like that described in Isaiah, when the dark is getting progressively darker and bolder; yet simultaneously the Light is getting brighter and more focused. There’s no question that Israel and America were birthed as covenant nations with the Lord. Their combined potential has yet to be fully unwrapped.

It is a dynamic that bears pausing to reflect on the potential to be unlocked in the mysteries. The key attributes of being God-centric, of liberty, freedom and self–sufficiency, outlined in the Torah, were at the forefront of the thinking in the founding of both Israel and America. However, over time a gap arose, first with the God-centric focus and second with maintaining the subtle side of community-development practices, not the least of which was that “there should be no poor among you.”

Unwrapping the Mysteries and Something More
Something more. The mysteries are becoming clearer. And there’s a power-shift taking place. With indications pointing to a birthing underway. A birthing of the restoration of these foundations. “Foundations outside the system.” It is the underlying premise of the declaration that launched Jesus’ earthly ministry, the entrance into the dominion of the supernatural and all the astounding miracles that accompanied it: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” A dimension beyond the ordinary …. beyond the natural order of things.

That birthing is progressive, tied to the restoration of all things …. with the alternate system and societal model as discerned and described by Moses.

So then, what should be the framework of our thinking? How should we then think?

The Restoration of All Things. At the core of the theme manifesting through Jesus’ message was reaching for this dynamic of being God-centric. WITH God, all things are possible. IF you have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, you will say …. and it will be done; you will say to this mountain, be removed, and it will be done.

Revival movements have reflected regaining this perspective and power on the individual level …. but as more is reached for, the reach must incorporate this manifestation and operation of God-at-the-helm on the community level …. and as that spreads, influencing the society around it …. manifesting as a movement and growing to the national level.

Kingdom Building Focus. Isaiah foresaw a time described by the “rebuilding of broken-down walls.” Not to be diverted from the bigger community and town perspective, this is something a lot more than the limited view of community, tied to the elegance of local brick and mortar meeting places.

The rebuilding of broken-down walls suggests restoration impacting the infrastructure and economic dynamics which includes the broad benefits of jubilee-thinking and practice outlined in the Torah.

Warrior’s Creed. Self-sufficiency challenges compliance. Even within circles of believers, the “system,” represents a comfort-zone. Steps taken outside the system in most cases are going to have to have the willingness to fight for it. Moses’ encounters with Pharoah required courage, toughness and a resolve. That same courage, toughness and resolve are going to have the accompany those anointed and called as game-changers.

Birthing of the Models. A vital part of God’s word to Moses in establishing a God-centric society was it being a self-sufficient model. An alternative to the framework represented in the world’s system. Abraham ran a God-centered economic community …. in essence, a small, self-sufficient town  In Israel, many moshavim and kibbutzim represent forerunners of this dynamic, sadly without most being God-centered. Yet across the spectrum of God’s people are ones prepared, carrying the vision, awaiting the birthing.

The Power Shift and the Model in Motion
Years ago, in the mid-80s, while teaching a class on intercession for mission work, in my spirit I suddenly perceived an image of the globe, stretched out and seen from a distance of what seemed outside the atmosphere, with points of Light glimmering from vantages all across the continents.

My sensing at the time was that these were training centers …. tied to change that was coming to the earth. Then recently, while in prayer with friends I’ve been collaborating with, Paul and Cynthia Fruits, Paul described having this exact same vision.

As we pondered and prayed, my original perception bearing on the model my wife and I took to the persecuted as our assignment at the time, the current conclusion for this vision was that these points of Light represented the model in motion …. the model being communities/ towns outside the system emerging with the shift of power, that some have come to describe as the wealth transfer, that will pave the way and be a predecessor of the restoration of all things.

The model in motion, not unlike Bonton Farms and Mulli’s Children’s Family, but more. Community building, Kingdom building that will be safe places amidst all the change. Towns and villages based on the outline and principles given to Moses centuries ago. The establishment of anticipatory responses to the power shift …. economically, societally …. safe places that will draw people of the world during times of turbulence …. a birthing of communities in some cases off-the-grid, but in others with Joseph-Pharaoh alliances that harness worldly resources in restoring this model …. all with God at the center.

Building as the Mysteries Unfold
It’s definitely not how we think. Understanding the times and our grasp of the spiritual dimension has always involved mysteries, that realm that operates beyond what seems normal to grasp by our natural minds. In today’s world, as we penetrate the veil into this unseen dimension, we tend to process it based on our natural grasp of things. However, even among believers … that grasp of reality has serious limitations. The need is for something more.

When scripture was written … not only those doing the writing and their audiences, but the societies different from and often opposed to theirs … had a supernatural worldview. They believed in the spiritual dimension and in miracles.

One of the biggest leaps for believers in this age is in interpreting the mysteries through a supernatural prism. The simple things that confound the wise. The Joseph-Daniel calling with individuals of influence impacting the utilization of resources a part of the world’s system for building …. building that gets beyond the role of training …. and puts into practice the type of societies that will prepare for the Lord’s return.

In understanding the times, it is a time for God’s people to stand up and be counted. It is a time to recognize the birthing underway …. prayerfully pushing …. and with courage, faith and resolve facing the opposition as game-changers. It is time for those prepared as genuine modern-day Josephs and Daniels to embrace their mantles of people of influence with the worldly leaders to whom they’ve been assigned …. and to begin building.

The Bible is filled with remarkable stories of what God has done, when His people expose themselves to take a stand against the opposition of the anti-God forces. Understanding the times incorporates far more than bare survival and retreat. We’ve entered just such a time to take a stand. With this mobilization and building, may there be a groundswell across the spectrum of God’s people of the battle cry: “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.”


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Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner of the Joseph-calling and God’s economy message, being an international voice for the higher dimensions of spiritual game-changers and intercessors since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation, the Strategic Intercession Global Network [SIGN] and designer of the God’s Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program and the Jewish Business Secrets YouTube series, Mr. Ruddick’s messages equip leaders and economic community builders with strategy where God’s light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of “The Joseph-Daniel Calling;” “Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;” “The Heart of a King;” “Something More;” “Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;” “Leadership by Anointing;” and “Mantle of Fire,” which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from, and

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to 3838 South Wabash Street, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

2024 Copyright Morris Ruddick —

Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For more information go to