Strange Bedfellows Note: I recently re-read a book I originally read over 60 years ago: Leon Uris’ “Exodus.” “Exodus” represents a glimpse into a time of significant change for God’s people. In praying about the dynamics of sacrificial faith that overcame the incredibly impossible odds described in this book, I’ve been drawn to re-post a […]
Understanding the Times
When God Arises
When God Arises In matters concerning the balance between the role of the household of faith and when God sovereignly arises in power, discerning the stage in the journey and the timing are critical. Historically, there are patterns that give us a glimpse into this unique balance. These patterns bear on understanding the dynamics of […]
The Shroud of Clutter Revisited
THE SHROUD OF CLUTTER REVISITED A firestorm, with its roots in the spiritual realm, is raging. No longer at the subtle stage, it is reaching a climax. The clamor impacts our thinking. The claims of the world challenge the ways of God, distorting reality. Sensory bombardments and clutter add fuel to the confusion, overload, deception […]
The Chaff, Wheat and Opportunity
The Chaff, Wheat and Opportunity Malachi 3 describes a time when God’s messenger will come to prepare the way before Him. The context is of serious judgment, preceded by a time of separation; the separation of the chaff from the wheat. Jesus made it very plain: “For judgment I have come into the world, that […]
The Season and Alignment
The Season and Alignment To His various audiences, over the course of His earthly ministry, Jesus’ message consistently sought to raise the bar. He did so to be in sync with the standard, to be prepared to address the realities of the times, to which each segment of His audience was in some way unaware. […]
Deep Calls To Deep
Deep Calls to Deep June of 1975 marked a time of demarcation for me. It resulted from making major life decisions, followed by a time embracing the needed preparations, as well as in weathering serious challenges in my quest to redirect the focus of my life to serving the Lord. The challenges had been severe, […]
Remembering, Zeal and Recovery
Remembering, Zeal and Recovery Between the words to key segments of the Church given to John the Revelator and the answer given to Daniel’s humble request to understand, are insights revealing a profound glimpse into the times now upon us. For each, there was a need, a reality to be faced. In doing so, came […]
Processing Reality
Processing Reality Years ago, the advertising world coined the phrase and began leveraging: “the perception being the reality.” The context, while working on my masters program in the early 70s with journalism studies, was in the importance given to verifying facts, as well as in conducting scrupulous research toward the goal of accurate and truthful […]
The Fine Line Revisited
THE FINE LINE — REVISITED Note: Originally penned for SIGN in 2005, then published as a key chapter in 2010 in my devotional titled “Something More,” this theme of “The Fine Line” once again is at the forefront of the spiritual dimensions significant for this season. It bears on the subtleties tied to our grasp […]
Mantle of Fire Revisited
MANTLE OF FIRE REVISITED Note: This post from mid-2015 became the hallmark chapter of my book by the same title. At the core of the purpose of SIGN is unwrapping the insights tied to understanding the times, in order to know what to do. That is to know what we, as God’s people, are to […]