The Voices and Influence

The Voices and Influence “By the blessing of the influence of the upright and God’s favor, the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.” Proverbs 11:11 At the onset of His earthly ministry, Jesus announced that “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Actually, what He said was more. […]

When the Seasons Change

When the Seasons Change David, despite his misfires and the range of twists and turns reflected in his amazing yet turbulent life, was described by God in Acts 13:22 as “a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.” This was the key thread defining this incredible, overachieving leader of God’s people. […]

The Aftermath and Emerging Season

The Aftermath and Emerging Season In an insightful, post-election news interview, somewhat strangely but perhaps not so, a news anchor responded to the wisdom of her interviewee with the flattering comment of: “I’d like to crawl into your brain to better understand how you think.” More than ever before, in this world of extremes and […]

The Focus in the Jumble

The Focus in the Jumble The quest for our attention is relentless. It is off-the-scales in intensity. Overwhelming. It not only reshapes our perspective on things, but is a disruption to the very process our thinking is based on. It goes beyond the need to glean a right focus in all the jumble. The deluge […]

It’s Not How You Think

It’s Not How You Think And you’re right. That very clearly was as a double-entendre. “It’s not how you think:” first being your expectation of the outcome. Yet “it’s not how you think” also represents the limits of the thinking and reason for the condition that blinds or impedes the focus or clarity for the […]

Processing Reality

Processing Reality In the beginning, the mother of humanity, Eve, entertained a suggestion that changed everything. Compounding the beguilement she had yielded to, her husband Adam yielded to her reasoning and the suggestion she acted on, compounding the impact of the beguilement. It wasn’t like this couple didn’t know God or hear from Him with […]

Fullness of the Nations

The Fullness of the Nations Paul the apostle famously wrote the Romans: For I do not want you, brothers and sisters, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so […]

The Shift and Strategic Alliances

The Shift and Strategic Alliances It’s been extremely subtle. A shift, growing in intensity, is underway. It emerges within the context of the unexpecteds, the distractions and wide swings of recent months. And with that shift is a focus on strategic alliances …. unusual strategic alliances. Alliances outside the boundaries of our typical religious thinking; […]


Convergence Since October 7th there has been a growing focus and concern from both the Church and the Jewish community concerning the flagrant rise of anti-Semitism, high-levels of anti-Jewish propaganda and blatant persecution …. and how these dimensions bear on the future of both Israel and the Church. Never has there been a time, when […]

The Kingdom Reality

The Kingdom Reality “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” That’s how Jesus announced His earthly ministry. Jesus came bearing the realities of another dimension, a much higher dimension. A realm where spirit controls matter. Where the natural yields to the supernatural. It is the reality permeated with God’s presence. With this reality mired in […]