The Focus in the Jumble

The Focus in the Jumble

The quest for our attention is relentless. It is off-the-scales in intensity. Overwhelming. It not only reshapes our perspective on things, but is a disruption to the very process our thinking is based on. It goes beyond the need to glean a right focus in all the jumble.

The deluge of the “noise” challenges maintaining a right focus. An old advertising adage shrewdly observes the perception becoming the reality. That seems to have become the world we now live in. Watching news developments can become obsessive …. without even getting close to the intent of staying abreast of the facts …. at least the ones that make a difference.

Yet, one of the most prescient and successful Biblical leaders, King David …. not a babe with navigating an atmosphere of extreme turmoil amidst the disruptive controversy surrounding his journey …. responded to all the jumble in assuming his role as King, by gleaning insight from those of a gifted tribe. Their gift? The tribe of Issachar was gifted with the anointing to understand the times to know what to do. The challenge: staying focused on reality.

Hitler seduced, manipulated and redirected the efforts of an entire nation. His strategy? The control of the communication system to reshape the perception of reality. That’s how evil operates. It perverts and undermines reality. It’s the influence that is taking place today in what has gone beyond the communication systems, manifesting into information networks and competing voices. At least there still are competing voices …. in our part of the world.

The issue on one level is a careful selection of the information sources one is exposed to. On quite another level, it is a parallel to King David’s wisdom in his exposure to those gifted in cutting through the morass of information ….. to understand the times to know what to do.

So, how does that translate into maintaining the right focus in all the jumble …. and with that, guarding against influences that mar our thinking, not to speak of simply avoiding being overwhelmed and maintaining a semblance of sanity? In keeping with the wisdom of King David, Jesus pointed out the importance of discerning the signs of the times.

Discerning Trends versus Anomalies
One of the means to gaining a more accurate glimpse in forecasting markets is to take a longer-term look at developments. It’s no different when spiritually discerning the signs of the times. This broader look incorporates wisdom in prioritizing significant, long-term trends versus interpreting short-term anomalies and fads that may be driven by promotional spins, doctrinal precepts and temporary aberrations that pervert reality.

It is interesting that Jesus had to chastise the very ones, the religious elite; who should have had a longer and more realistic view of spiritual developments. Instead they were hindered and blinded by their own short-term outlooks and personal motivations. In doing so, most missed the most timely of visitations.

Jesus made references to time within generational contexts. More often than not over the centuries, God’s judgment has fallen on a generation. So then, we do well in our quest for insights into the times, by viewing them from within a longer-term generational context.

Discerning Longer-Term Priorities
Prioritizing significant developments from God’s much longer term perspective, that being from the beginning, unveils the factor of restoration and the multi-generational priority of God’s covenant and promises with His chosen, with Israel. From the time of the fall, the Bible reveals the progression of the Lord’s long-term intention of restoration, focused on the relational foundation with the pinnacle of His creation, man.

What has unfolded from this intention embraces the cooperative effort of those who have grasped, perceived, heard and amidst the chaos and confusion, have responded righteously and interactively in relationship with the Creator.

Spiritual Developments within My Generation
So, with the intent of gleaning a more realistic grasp of the signs of the times, let’s begin by reviewing what may seem as simultaneous contradictions …. parallel developments as Israel and the Church hurdle toward their divine destinies. Seeming contradictions tied to what has been birthed and then stewarded since the wrap-up of the generation since WWII. Spiritually, it reflects what has been some dramatic and high-level change.

Of note is that each of these unusual shifts has taken place during the context of intense wartime eruptions in Israel and colossal spiritual developments within the Church. Yet for each, these steps have been a definitive move toward the restoration of all things.

Starting with the war for independence and the rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948, these events fell uniquely at a time when over 250 healing ministries were started in the US alone. Clearly restoration on a grand scale, with the establishment of Israel, while a remnant of the church began reclaiming and operating in the power of God, once the modus operandi of the early church.

Dramatically, each representing quantum level change being released, simultaneously impacting both the Jewish people and the Church.

Again in 1967, war erupted in Israel. Again, against all odds, Israel emerged victorious with something more than they had at the start; the repossession of Jerusalem. Prophetically, a major development and time of turning. Simultaneously, two things were happening in the US: revival-led prayer movements that bled into the start of the Messianic Jewish movement …. with Messianic congregations exploding from a handful to almost a thousand congregations in the short-term. With the incredible numbers of Jews turning to the Lord, two key factors saw their beginnings: the first major steps of Aliyah, the return of the Jews to Israel, and an awakening within the church to the Jewish roots of the faith.

The Change and the Spiritual Atmosphere Globally
Not to be overlooked, in other parts of the world, this same time frame represented an intense manifesting of the anti-God movement with China’s Cultural Revolution, yet simultaneously with the birth of that nation’s massive revival and home church movement. This home church movement was driven by a consistent and powerful prayer movement with unusual signs and wonders.

This prayer movement played a major role in the shift of the spiritual atmosphere impacting other key parts of the globe. Estimates of those coming to faith from this China revival are over 100 million …. and ultimately have overflowed into other anti-God domains such as Russia and Vietnam. 

Accompanying these developments has been the extreme polarization between good and evil. With evil coming out of the closet societally, morally, judicially, economically, anti-God initiatives and alliances have developed, not the least of which has been China’s One Belt One Road initiative. With these developments has been the rise of anti-Semitism and persecution. With the turmoil and quest for power, it has become a world where black is being presented as white and evil is being promoted as good.

So, at the forefront of the signs of the times has been dramatic spiritual change.

Undergirding the change for good has been the spontaneous groundswell of prayer movements. Aligned with the prayer movements has been Holy Spirit-initiated revivals and significant growth of the home church movement. All these developments being ensconced in periodic eruptions of war in Israel, the outcomes of which have engendered Israeli’s of all ilks to draw closer to the Lord.

Even more subtle but equally significant in function and focus has been the restoration of the foundations and roots of the faith among believers; together with the mobilization of game-changing marketplace leaders …. with some evidencing the societal-changing mantles of Joseph and Daniel …. and advances of the Kingdom.

Isaiah pictured this world in the 60th chapter describing deep darkness covering the earth, with the Light of God’s elect shining much brighter. So it has been that over the course of the generation since WWII has come with these spiritual clashes and developments, an alignment of the spiritual atmosphere with the preparedness and maturity operating within key segments and remnants of God’s people.

With these dynamics has been a pathway through this spiritual atmosphere to enable even more dramatic birthing from on High and the building at the hands of God’s anointed stewards.

The Trends: Understanding the Times to Know What to Do
So then, in discerning these signs of the times, the issue comes down to not just maintaining a clear focus of reality, but in recognizing and embracing the momentum of the trends, in discerning and prioritizing the opportunity represented by God’s ultra-long term purpose of restoration.

Paul, in more than a single communication to the churches under his charge, made a very prescient articulation of a key part of the strategy tied to this ultra-long term purpose of God.
“His intent was now, through the Body, that the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the authorities and rulers in the heavenly realm.” “But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory.” Eph 3:10 1 Cor 2:7

As important as the prayer movements, revival, Aliyah, and the righteous wars have been, they are not the goals, but rather the means to the end.

From this long-term, big-picture perspective, God’s people, Jew and Gentile are the stewards of the manifestations of this manifold wisdom of God …. of the birthing and the building they reflect in this process of change aimed at the restoration of all things.

Stewards of change. Biblically, similar change pivoted on anointed wisdom as in the case with Daniel in the king’s court. Similarly, in the time of Joseph, Pharaoh’s entrusting his kingdom to Joseph was because he recognized the prophetic wisdom from God that was operating through Joseph. On the other hand, change from on High has advanced by taking the offensive with war, as was the case with Joshua possessing the Land.

What lies before us was described in Scripture by many. Isaiah foresaw a time in which the people of God would rebuild the waste places and raise the foundations of past generations. (Isa 58). Isaiah and Daniel each gleaned the polarization when the dark side would be getting darker, but the Light becoming much brighter. Jesus described the birth pangs and John saw behind the scenes into the dynamics being released into the spiritual atmosphere from on High.

With this insight then, what lies ahead? Unequivocally, the birthing and stewardship of high level change. Rebirthing and building on a cultural level. The greatest prayer mobilization the world has ever seen.

With the mobilization of prayer the expectation of a groundswell of spontaneous gatherings of believers in homes. Yet, as the clashes between good and evil become more severe, there will come greater and more intense spiritual polarization and the quest for power. The polarization triggering alternate systems. Cities of Refuge being established. Restoration of Biblical societal foundations as purposeful, self-sustaining Kingdom communities emerge. The need for wartime mindsets as well as the flashpoint represented in the developments and role played by Israel. Strategic alliances between Christians and Jews. Global interactive initiatives as the Body embraces the authority in operating as one.

Which is a good point to return to the issue of the focus needed in all the jumble.

God’s Heart and the Priorities of Our Focus
So, with the intensity and uncertainty of the times and the focus for both the individual and the community mandates being in the crosshairs …. the issue very simply is the same thing God asked Moses before sending him to confront Pharaoh: “What do you have in your hand?”

Together, one’s gift and authority becomes foundational to the focus of how well we steward what we’ve been entrusted with.
“These ones are arising in deep humility, recognizing they see in part and prophesy in part.” 1 Cor 13:9

Understanding God’s heart and priorities. Everything to do with our focus will draw its substance from this.

Paul wrote and commended the believers in Thessalonica for their “work of faith, labor of love and patience of hope.” And despite their afflictions, their joy. Paul, who never was short on the words he extended to those under his charge, stated that for these believers: “Their faith had gone out in such a way, that he had no need to say anything.” In short, it was a reflection of his observation of the priorities given to their focus of God’s heart.

No single individual or group has all the insights. The “together” effort shaped by humility is what will release the authority for the assignments. Yet, with the same breath in expressing this admonition is the need for serious discernment from the Spirit to avoid subtle entanglements.

Getting a realistic portrayal of the long-term, big-picture of God’s priorities within the context of the specific gifts and assignments, is what will bring unity …. as the unfolding has its orchestration uniquely manifesting from on High. Yet, the significance of the individual groups advancing these agendas demands a boldness and recognition of the authority being wielded by everyday people ….. each simply doing their part …. as the basis of “together” the course of nations is changed.

It underscores the admonition of Jesus to “occupy until I come.” Together with the authority, this admonition to “occupy until I come” points to the task of stewardship of building described in Luke 19 with the parable of the talents. It is a responsibility shared by Jews and Gentiles alike. It represents the strategy for the prime focus we need to maintain in all the jumble.

There is a passion given to genuine assignments from on High. Not randomly dispensed, they entail a cost, along with the pangs of birthing …. and with that a maturity and trust, not unlike the parable of the master who had to leave his servants in charge for a time. So it was and so it will be: “Blessed are those He finds doing when He comes.”


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Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner of the Joseph-calling and God’s economy message, being an international voice for the higher dimensions of spiritual game-changers and intercessors since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation, the Strategic Intercession Global Network [SIGN] and designer of the God’s Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program and the Jewish Business Secrets YouTube series, Mr. Ruddick’s messages equip leaders and economic community builders with strategy where God’s light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of “The Joseph-Daniel Calling;” “Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;” “The Heart of a King;” “Something More;” “Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;” “Leadership by Anointing;” and “Mantle of Fire,” which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from, and

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to 3838 South Wabash Street, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

2024 Copyright Morris Ruddick —

Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For more information go to

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